It put me in such a buoyant cheer-full mood that I decided to daydream about stacks of brightly coloured packages sitting in jumbles under a fir tree strung up with lights and twirly decorations, cheerful santas and dancing snowmen.
So just in case you were wondering, here is my "little" wish list : )

* Little Dee volume 2
* Anything from Treehouse28... especially this and these!
* This sequel.
* Any old digital camera would do...
* A bucket full of acrylic paints... (I have a few new canvases that are mocking me with their blank-ness).
* Anything from this fabulous company (especially body butter!), this Lush place, this local place or this man called Burt.
* Yoga blocks and straps.
* Good enough to eat lip balm from this place my mom told me about mmmmm coconut cream...
* Candles of any kind, as long as they are made of bee's wax.

* A coupon for some kind of day at the spa or massage.
* Funky handmade jewelry, especially necklaces or rings and especially the super juicy magical jewelry over at Superhero Designs ... I like champagne the best, but it is pretty darn hard to decide. They look good in photos but I bet they are even more twinkly and pretty in person.
* A print from this photographer, especially this one and this one. Gorgeous, lovely, soft.
* Some big blank scrapbooks with lush purple or green covers for journaling and creative spilling.
* Pottery... chunky mugs and tea pots with swirly blue*green*purple*chocolate coloured glazes.
* Unexpected hand*made artwork from kindred spirits.
*Throw pillows or curtains or bed covers made from jewel-bright fabrics, sewn-on beads and bits of thread.

What do YOU want for Christmas*Yule*Solstice???
*Photos: Plate of cookies and "dear santa letter" from Getty; Little Dee cover from Chris Baldwin; Champagne necklace from Andrea Sher; and gift of giving lady-package from Patience Brewster.
yay! you're plugging a good friend of mine!!!! sus is awesome, i expect you know her blog. ... just checked your roll, yep, you do.
ReplyDeletebeer would be good. and i can set you up with some beeswax candles if you like.