Saturday, July 24, 2010


For August, I am thinking that I would like to dig in to being a bit more creative. It's my break from school and I will have a week off of work in there too and while it is tempting to take on big projects like cleaning up my WHOLE APARTMENT, I think what I need most is some fun. So I've decided to join up with Susannah's August Break. Which, given how infrequently I post is maybe not a "break" exactly. But I have not been taking many photos lately, and I'd like to. I like having a snapshot record as the seasons pass, even if they aren't all masterpieces (which, of course, I want them to be). I like taking a bit of time to find a new perspective, a pretty shot, a good angle.

(Caveat: I may not actually take a photo every day... when I am not up for new shots I may go back to my bulging files of photos that have yet to see the light of the internet and post one of those instead. We'll see.)

Want to play along? Don't worry. There are no rules.


  1. That is such a cool idea:) Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and I love your blog:) thanks for your lovely comment and see you soon:)

    Kisses my dear!

  2. i can't wait to see your creations :)

    i might play, too... it's a cute idea... i'm going to try and make my photos blog-relevant since my blog has such a specific purpose

    wish me luck! ;)
